Follow up your clients

Fortune is in the Follow Up 🤑

Do you practice good follow-up skills? You know, when you are leaving a meeting, call or sending an email and you say, “I’ll follow up with you” and you never do 😯! Yup, that’s what I mean. 🤦🏾‍♀️

For many business owners, it’s a “lost art” and results in thousands of dollars being “left on the table”. Hear this and hear me loud and clear, ALWAYS follow up after:

  • being introduced to someone
  • sending a proposal
  • meeting someone new at an event
  • sending an email with a request
  • asking for help
  • following up on decisions, invoices, or requests
  • waiting on a reply, etc.

Your business depends on it.

During the meeting, you’ve already done the hard work and warmed the person (the lead) up, so why would you leave your work unfinished? Think of it like this, if you put the same effort that you do into capturing email leads into following up with people (in-person leads), you and your business would be in a much better social and financial position. The follow up seals the deal – faster! Let me share with you a popular follow-up strategy.

Try the 2x2x2 method.

After your next encounter, follow up:

2 days later, THEN
2 weeks later, if no response, THEN
2 months later

This is sufficient time in between encounters that shows your interest to cultivate the relationship, without feeling like you are pestering the person.

You can choose whether phone, text or email is the best follow-up method based on the situation.

To keep track, make a note in your CRM (client relationship management) system or phone, add it to your calendar or delegate it to your V.A. (virtual assistant).

You’ll be surprised how appreciative people are when you actually follow up. Oftentimes, their lack of response has nothing to do with you. They just got busy with life and the days flew by unexpectedly, one day turned into a week and before they knew it, a month or more has passed. So when you call, they will be glad you did and your business will be too 🤑!

Oh and for the record, I’m the certified “Queen 👸🏾of Follow Up” so trust me, this works.

Have you tried this method? Comment and let me know or share the follow-up method that you use. I’d love to hear about it.

Let’s Chat!

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