If you know me, you know that I do everything with intention and purpose. It’s just who I am and what I am made of. It’s one of the reasons why I started my administrative and consulting firm, Moore Planning & Consulting LLC (MPC). It allowed me to be me, use my God-given gifts and bring joy into my life the way that I need joy in my life. Helping others “behind the scenes” is not glamorous by any means. In fact, most times, it can be looked down upon and seen as less than because you are not in the spotlight with millions of people pawning after you, etc. But, you know what, the people in the spotlight need the “behind the scenes people” to help them reach, find and move around efficiently and productivity in the spotlight. Thus, there is the need – the problem I am solving – that puts the spotlight on my God-given gifts to be put into action, respected and most importantly, valued! One thing I’ve learned is that if God gave it to you, it’s always a gift but when you can realize it and allow it to manifest in your life, it can be life changing. (Oh and side note… I could be in the spotlight more often, it’s a choice for me to pick and choose when I want to be :-)).
MPC has always been in my heart but I took the long way around, if you will, to get here. The beauty is that my professional experience coupled with my wisdom of life knits together what my business stands on today and will stand on in the future – wisdom and experience. Wisdom cannot be rushed, taught or bought. Time, perseverance and patience are the keys that unlock the door to “Life University”. The path to MPC was formed by me making one major decision made with the help of someone special in my life, my late mother, who passed away 22 years ago. So, how did she help me? Well, she came to me in the form of a red bird – a cardinal.
You can read more about it in my newest and final book in the 365 Book Series, 365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time, a book filled with uplifting signs and messages – from here on Earth and beyond. I am one of 200+ authors who share their soulful story. It’s a blessing to be included in this #1 Amazon best-selling book project with Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck, the husband-and-wife team out of Oregon. To share my love of writing and revealing another aspect of myself is an awesome feeling of freedom.
Remember when I said I do everything with intention and purpose, well, being included in this book project was no different. It was intentionally placed before me at the right time for me to share my story. Just like the book title states, the right guidance at the right time.
If you believe in soulful messages and want to support and read one inspiring true-life story for each day of the year, click here to get your copy of 365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time. You’ll be inspired, renewed and you get to learn more about me as you read my story, “The Red Bird”.